Get appointments easier with a personalized video message

Are you in contact with the customer? Then you want one thing, that is to arrange an appointment. Face to face in the showroom, or via an online live session. How video will help you with that? And how you can use VentaVid in this step? During this video we'll show you.

Script for After Phone Calls

Dear [customer name], my name is [name] from[dealer name]. We have just spoken on the phone, thank you again for the interest you expressed in the [make model]. To introduce myself and the [model] to you, I am creating a personal video message especially for you, shall we take a quick look?DOWNLOAD

NOW FREE: The Car Dealer’s Complete Guide To High-Impact Video Content

  • Why Video is Powerful for Car Dealers
  • When to Send Video Messages
  • How to Make Video Messages
  • Video Script Examples
  • Six Tips for Creating Powerful Videos
  • The Car Dealer’s Video Checklist

Download here